MyThings Delivery Application Privacy Policy for Drivers


MyThings Delivery Services LLC (“MyThings”, “we”, “us”), headquartered in Amman, Jordan, is dedicated to safeguarding the privacy of our drivers. This Privacy Policy outlines our practices regarding the collection, use, and sharing of personal data for drivers participating in our delivery network.

Data Collection and Use

As part of our commitment to providing a seamless delivery experience, MyThings collects personal data that is essential for the execution of deliveries and for maintaining the efficiency of our services. This includes:

Driver Identification: This includes your name, surname, and residential address, which helps us in creating and managing your driver profile.
Communication Information: We collect your email address and phone number to stay in touch with you regarding deliveries, updates, and important notifications.
Financial Information: To ensure timely payment for your services, we require your bank account details, date of birth, and other relevant information.
Operational Data: This includes data related to the deliveries you make, such as time logs, geolocation data for routing, and technical data regarding the device you use for the MyThings app.
Legal and Contractual Data: Information related to your work permit and the type of contractual agreement you have with MyThings.
Purpose of Data Processing

The personal data collected serves multiple purposes:

To Facilitate Deliveries: Utilizing geolocation and performance data to assign delivery tasks efficiently.
For Communication: Keeping you informed about upcoming deliveries, changes in schedules, and other relevant operational details.
To Process Payments: Ensuring accurate and timely compensation for your delivery services.
To Support Marketing and Operational Efficiency: Understanding driver patterns and preferences to improve our services and outreach.
Data Sharing Principles

MyThings engages with third-party service providers and affiliates within the scope of our operations, sharing data under strict compliance with data protection laws. This ensures that your personal data is handled securely and with respect for your privacy.

Cookies and Digital Tracking

To enhance the functionality of the MyThings app and website, we employ cookies and similar tracking technologies. Drivers have the option to manage their preferences regarding these technologies.

Driver Rights

You have rights regarding the personal data we hold, including the right to access, correct, or delete your data, as well as to object to or limit its processing. MyThings provides mechanisms within the app for drivers to exercise these rights effectively.

Data Retention and Security

We retain your personal data only for as long as necessary for the purposes outlined in this policy, adhering to legal retention requirements. MyThings is committed to ensuring the security of your data through appropriate technical and organizational measures.

Updates to This Policy

MyThings reserves the right to update this Privacy Policy as necessary to reflect changes in our practices or legal requirements. We encourage drivers to review this policy periodically.

Contact and Feedback

For any questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy or your personal data, please contact us through the Driver Support feature in the MyThings app. Feedback is always welcome as we strive to improve our data protection efforts.


At MyThings, we take your privacy seriously and are committed to protecting the personal data of our drivers. By understanding and adhering to this Privacy Policy, you help us ensure a trustworthy and efficient delivery service.